Cabin fever's got me. Got me bad. Lately I've been thinking maybe I was too cautious this winter by not taking Reid out more. He's a Wisconsin kid...he should get used to the cold, right? So today, with highs in the upper 30s, I put him in his snowsuit and his shades and off we went. First of all, people need to shovel their flingin' flangin' sidewalks. Assuming the residents are not elderly or infirm, I hope they were all feeling horribly guilty sitting in their houses watching me try to maneuver the stroller through their half-melted, slushy junk.
Second of all...worst.idea.ever.
About 5 blocks from home, Reid started to cry. About 4 blocks from home, he started to scream. And he did not stop until we got inside and I nursed him. He's been asleep for about half an hour...I think that was the first time in a LONG time he's really cried himself to sleep (side-note: if that is what CIO [cry-it-out] requires, I am very glad we've stood firm in our decision not to participate).
I guess I will try this outing again in about 20 or 30 degrees. Oops.