Sunday, January 9, 2011


I went to the grocery store yesterday and spent $48 for a week of groceries. I know!! $48. I forgot the apples and the pepperoni though. I bought store-brand as much as possible. I bought a huge can of authentic enchilada sauce that inexplicably has a mallard on the front of it. Actually, since all the writing is in Spanish, I don't know - it could very well be explicable. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. If one of you two readers (the one who knows Spanish) could tell me why there is a mallard on the can, I'd appreciate it.

So you see things are going well with my January challenges so far. Except I'm sitting here writing about mallards and enchilada sauce when I should be doing Pilates.

I had a chili dog for lunch. And fries. And yet I'm feeling really snacky today but we don't have any snack food in the house. I'm thinking about throwing a can of black beans, a garlic clove, and lime juice into the food processor to make a black bean spread/dip type thing. But we don't have any chips. I don't think we've ever not had chips. I suppose I could cut up some tortillas and bake them.We have corn tortillas for this week's chicken enchiladas. I only need 6 or so, and they come in a package of 30. Why? Who eats an entire 30-pack of corn tortillas at one time? It's kind of like boxes of spaghetti. Half a box is too little, but the entire box is too much. And how do you measure spaghetti? But back to the corn tortillas. I know there are people who do eat 30 at one time (again, I shouldn't jump to conclusions) but we are not those people. You know what would be a really good way to use up those 24 corn tortillas? To bake them and cut them into wedges and serve them with ho-made black bean dip. Hmm.

I'm still not doing Pilates, by the way.

You see up there that I said "ho-made" instead of "homemade." That's because this one time? Joel and I were driving to Door County and we passed a restaurant that offered Four Ho-Made Soups. We thought, well that's just great for them, but I don't think they should call their chef such names. Do you ever stop and think about all the inside jokes that you have with your partner and where they came from? Sometimes I do. Joel and I call carrots "care-OTTS" because of the Friends episode where Ross is trying to get his new couch into his apartment and he keeps yelling "piv-OTT! Piv-OTT!" That's pretty obscure. And that's one in a gajillion inside jokes we have. You could give yourself a ho-made headache trying to trace back your relationship anthology.

Reid is really good at Pilates. He can lie on his back and hold his legs parallel to the ground for minutes on end. You know who can't do that? Me. You know why? Because I don't do Pilates like I said I was going to.

OK. If either of you is still reading at this point...please excuse me. I have to go do Pilates. I think. I'll try. Probably. We'll see. I'll let you know.

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