Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This weekend, I had the worst toothache I have ever had. At first it was like a migraine in my mouth, and it progressed to the point where I felt like my tooth was in labor. It hurt so bad. On Monday, I called the dentist on his cell phone, having finally deemed it a "dental emergency." Long story short, by 4pm I was leaving the endodontist's office after a root canal.
I'm thankful that my dentist gives out his cell phone, I'm thankful that the doctor could perform the root canal so quickly, and I'm thankful that even though I'm sore, the pain is not nearly as bad as it was.

Last night, we had to take Reid to urgent care because he was coughing and breathing really heavy. He has a respiratory virus, which should clear up on its own in a couple of days. He got a dose of prednisone to help him breathe in the meantime. I'm thankful for the quick turnaround time at urgent care, and thankful that it's only a virus and isn't going to require hospitalization or breathing treatments. And above all, I'm thankful that the little guy is still smiling for the most part through all of this.

And then I woke up last night with a really sore wrist. I remembered that I tried to adjust Reid in the stroller one-handed yesterday. And that when my wrist cracked and popped, I thought, "well that's going to be uncomfortable." And you know what? I'm not thankful. Nope, I've been patient and calm with everything else that's gone on this week, and I choose to not be thankful or to see a silver lining on this one at all. Stupid stupid ouchy stupid wrist. Stupid. Ouch. Wah.

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