I would very much like to go back to a 50s and 60s way of living. I love staying home with Reid. I love cleaning my house. I love the feeling of sitting down after a long day of cleaning my house and smelling Lysol. I like to cook. I want to wear aprons while I do so. I want a sewing machine so I can make aprons. I want to sew curtains and pillows and skirts.
I want to finish the sweater I started knitting back in April.
I want to make thoughtful handmade gifts that look pretty and are useful.
I want to bake cookies or casseroles or cakes for friends who are having a baby or a birthday or a rough day or because it's Tuesday and who wouldn't like a casserole or a cake?
I want to make pot roast.
I don't actually know what pot roast is. But it's good to have goals.
(if anyone can tell me the origin of the title of this post, you win the satisfaction of knowing the origin of the title of this post)