Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One Month Ago Today

Okay, it wasn't precisely a month ago today, but it was close. That was the last time I posted. I have been trying to think of things to say but I'm just not feeling like a very funny storyteller these days. Not because funny stuff hasn't been going on. But because I'm thinking my audience only wants to hear so many blow-out posts (up to his armpits and down to his feet the other day, by the way. It was something, I tell ya). And also because I'm living the fun instead of writing about it.

So here's a quick recap of the last month.

- Reid has been playing a lot in his exersaucer. This has given me more time to do things around the house. Lately I have chosen to bake cookies. Now I need an exersaucer.

- Reid's been sitting up on his own. He still has his wibbly-wobbly moments, but for the most part he's pretty stable. This means he spits up on his feet a lot. True story.

- We've started solid food. Night one, he didn't know what to make of the stuff. Night two, he was cautiously optimistic. Night three, he was grabbing my hand to get the spoon to his mouth faster. So far it's just rice cereal. Sunday will be either sweet potato or peas, not sure which. I actually tasted the rice cereal tonight. If he's grabbing for more rice cereal, which tastes like stale butt in case you're wondering, I do not know what's going to happen when he has delicious vegetables.

- Reid just took a nap on his tummy and I neither had a heart attack nor flipped him over.

- Saying "woo-woo!" will make him laugh so hard he gets the hiccups. So will throwing his pants over his head during a diaper change.

...I guess that's about it. To my loyal reader, I will try to be better about posting more in the future.

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