Tuesday, August 9, 2011

You can do it!

A phenomenon I've come to watch with some interest, and - because I will probably never have to do it - a teeny amount of amusement: the training of the mail truck drivers. They come and use our hill once a week or so, presumably because it is so steep. Driving a mail truck must not be easy, because they often drive right up over the curb.

The funniest part is that Reid, Jesse, and Caffrey all run to the front door to watch also. Again, I can laugh because I don't have to do it: imagine you are training to drive a mail truck on a really super steep hill, you keep driving over the curb because the steering wheel is on the wrong side of the dang truck, and then you look over and 2 dogs and a toddler are watching you intently. See? It's funny. If you never have to do it.

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