Saturday, January 21, 2012

August? What?

That's the last time I graced you three (two? Four?) with my presence? Okay. Sorry. It's been a while. Here's the haps.
The toddler took over the house. I mean we were like mere swear words away from having to call Supernanny. So we Ferberized. Us?! What?! Devotees of Dr. Sears actually allowed our child to cry for more than ten seconds? Yes, and the best thing I have done so far. I'm not going to say I was wrong for avoiding it all this time, I'm going to tell you that you both MUST be ready to do this, and we both were. He doesn't know that he was ready, but I'm pretty sure he'll figure it out in the next 16 years or so, and he'll thank me in his valedictory speech. Yay me!
The toddler got big. But his feet got bigger. We had to snip the toes of his 24-month jams. Hobo toes, we call them.
The toddler had a virus, he required a nebulizer treatment. That was unpleasant.
The toddler got a haircut, from mama. That was more traumatic than the nebulizer (and sadly the Mama did not get to inhale any of the good stuff during the haircut like she did during the nebulizer). He now looks very tall, and very old.
The toddler is not yet talking. The pediatrician is not worried, and so neither am I, but I am still tempting him to talk my having a complete gutter mouth around him. We'll see how that goes. In a way, I'm dying for him to start talking. In a way, I am dying for him to keep running around going "daddydaddydoh. Daddydaddydoh." I mean, that is SO way cuter than "more please." or "nononono," or "mama you suck," am I right?!

I will try to update more. Because did you know people get paid for this if they're good at it? Tell your friends!

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