Tuesday, October 5, 2010

...and on a lighter note

2 funny things:
The other night, Joel came to put Reid down while I was sleeping. I asked Joel, not politely, just what he thought he was doing, since I was trying to sleep. I was trying to be very still in case the baby rolled off. I mentioned, not politely, that I didn't think this was fair at all since I was trying to sleep. Couldn't Joel just put him in his crib?! Joel was as confused as you guys are when I finally realized: "Oh. That's Mackenzie on me, isn't it." In my sleepy state, I thought Joel had put the baby on me while he went to brush his teeth. It was the cat.

Last night, Joel woke me up to watch the baby while he went to the bathroom. Amused, I asked him what he was talking about. He caught on much more quickly than I had and said, "I think I have a cat on me." Well-played. I wish I could think to write down all the weird stuff I say in the middle of the night.


In my last post, I mentioned "Monkey Love." One of our friends got us a rather large blanket with a monkey head attached to it, with Reid's name embroidered on it. It is super cool, and I have decided it's going to be his blankie (Yes, I can control this one. Reid does not have to know we have 60 other blankies. OK? Give me this). It's still really big for him to grasp, but in a moment of sheer serendipity, I found a miniature that someone had given us for a shower gift. Seriously, it is the same brand, same monkey face, except it is little. Awesome. I said the other day that I didn't want Reid to run around asking for his "blankie." I wanted him to call it something original. Unfortunately the only thing I could think of was "Monkey Love." And unfortunately, it has stuck. And even more unfortunately, the larger of the two is "Big Monkey Love."

Why is this unfortunate? Because my child is going to go to preschool and he's going to leave it in the sandbox, and he's going to run around the classroom (most likely at pickup when all the other parents are watching) sobbing, "I need Monkey Love! I neeeeeed Big Monkey Love!!!!"

That's why.

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