Saturday, March 19, 2011

Quotes from Scrubs

You may remember from my stream of consciousness a few weeks (months?) back in which I discussed relationship anthology. In that same vein, Joel and I can have an entire conversation using quotes from Scrubs, I think. We call poops "trouts" because Dr. Cox tells his son that he's enjoyed waking up every morning to a fresh brown trout in his Huggies. We read the Eric Carle Alphabet Book and when we get to E for Eagle, we both say "Eeeeeeeaaaaaagle!"

Surely there are more (because that would be a short and rather nonsensical conversation) but the one that has stuck with me this week - as Reid has been crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything and grabbing electrical cords, remotes, and cell phones galore, so that I finally had to strategically place baby containment devices throughout the house - is this:

"No, Mom. Playpen/Baby Cage is not like potato/potahto."

1 comment:

  1. They've come a long way since when I was a kid. Now they'e got these holes on the side to look out of. (note: quote not exact)
