Every day with Reid is fun and usually brings something new, but not everything is all that exciting to write about. For example, all I can think of to say lately is that solid-food poops are super narsty. And I am already sort of in danger of this becoming a Poo Blog. And let's face it. That would just be a wasted effort. HA HA HA HA HA. Get it? WASTEd effort?! Oh, sigh. OK. Moving on.
There are two other things that I do habitually that I've decided to write about. The first is eat. I do this like, at least three times a day. Usually more. I know! It's crazy. No, I'm not going to write about everything I eat, because that would be more boring than poop. But when I do something kind of fun in the kitchen, like I did today, I figure I should share with the masses in case there are masses out there who also forget half the chili ingredients and have to make the choice between going back to the store after swimming at the gym (with frozen hair and in the snow) or flying by the seat of his or her pants.
The other thing I do on a regular basis is work out. This is not exciting in and of itself, but first of all, I've decided to train for my 2nd half marathon using a plan that I am creating myself (by the aforementioned seat of my pants). I'm much more excited about the race now that I'm making my own plan. Second of all, I go to a gym about 5 or so miles from the house, but walking in there is like walking into Jersey Shore...fast-forwarded 30 years. The people-watching there is amazing, orange, and covered in gold chains. For you, I shall report what I see. You're welcome.
So, that said: so far this week, I did 4x800s and a 2.5 mile tempo workout. I'm really pushing my speed limits this time around. I figure most days I have half an hour to work out before separation anxiety sets in and I have to rush back to Reid (who is playing happily with Daddy. It's my separation anxiety, obviously) so I better make those 30 minutes count. I've been really sore, but it feels good to push. Tomorrow is a 5-mile long run. I'm looking forward to building distance again.
Tonight I swam 30 minutes in the pool (mostly freestyle but some kickboard sprints when the goggles started to squeeze my brain). Then I came home and tried to make some kind of dinner. We were supposed to have chili, but I didn't get enough cans of beans and tomatoes. But Christy, you're whispering, you probably could have just halved the recipe. I know! I know!! OK? I know. But instead I did this:
Baked 2 sweet potatoes (425 for 1 hour)
Simmered on the stove: 1 garlic clove, minced, 1 can black beans (drained), 1 can diced tomatoes (drained), 1 small can corn (drained). Added liberal amounts of cayenne, cumin, and chili powder.
Split sweet potatoes and covered in bean mixture, topped with cheddar and green onions.
This was really, really good. I don't know what it is about sweet potatoes and black beans, but they go together like drool and bibs. And I feel totally stuffed right now, but it was good and healthy (and when I say healthy, I mean vegetably. I do not mean low-cal. I'm over that). Considering my holidays were sponsored by Usinger's and bacon (NOT that I'm complaining), it felt good to get some variety in.
I've also been making veggie purees for Reid. Giving him solid foods is kind of daunting but also really cool. It makes me feel powerful. The pediatrician said that I could give him fruit after he'd tried all the veggies and you know what? I gave him little bits of my banana today. Even though he
has not tried all the veggies. I'm a bad mutha. Today we did debut butternut squash, though. It thawed really runny, so I mixed it with some cereal. This combination apparently also goes together like drool and bibs. And speaking of bibs, the little dude loved it so much that he barely even needed one.
If you told me ten years ago that I would be sitting at home on a Friday night, satisfied that I'd made good food for my family, I'd have laughed you into the next county then spouted some misguided feminist rhetoric. And now, if you'll excuse me, those dishes aren't going to wash themselves. I mean, Joel's going to wash them....I'm just finished writing for now.