Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I forgot the eggs

Reid and I took a trip to Trader Joe's this morning in the hopes of finding cheap nuts for to produce ho-made nut butter. I had a short list, and while I was reaching over to get some Brussels sprouts and broccoli, Reid grabbed it out of my hands. I walked over to the banana pile and retrieved half the list from Reid. Half? Yes, half. I looked down at my innocent cherub. His cheeks were rather more puffy than usual. OK. So he ate paper. Eventually all kids are going to eat paper, right? No big deal. Don't panic. But there was a lot missing. That was kind of a lot of paper. So I dug around in there for a few seconds and pulled out the sopping remains.

I thought I was pretty on my toes, anticipating anything that he could get into or that could cause trouble (yes, the ceiling fan in our bedroom TOTALLY could have fallen on his bassinet which consequently DID need to be moved three times at 2am on his first night home, thankyouverymuch) but I clearly underestimated the speed with which he could make a grocery list disappear. Now I know. And now I'm hungry because I forgot the eggs.

So if you'll excuse me, I am going to go make some peanut and almond butter because yes! They were cheap at Trader Joe's!

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