Saturday, January 22, 2011

Patience: you're doing it wrong

Well, this here is an interesting phase and one that I hope I will learn from, because I know that it's just the beginning of the war of the wills between parent and child.

Reid is strong, and he is smart. He knows what he wants. He just doesn't have all the tools to get it yet. This frustrates him, which often results in the dreaded whining. I. Do not. Like. Whining. Does anyone else feel like their parents' pet peeves were hereditary? Because, thanks for this one, Dad (by the way, CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTHS CLOSED, PEOPLE!!!).

Ahem. Back to the issue at hand: Reid gets frustrated and he whines, and I sit with my teeth on edge wondering when I should intervene. So he wants a toy that's just out of his reach. Do I give it to him or do I let him work on it himself? In my opinion, he needs to build his strength and he needs to get used to the idea that Mama is not going to help him out every time he so much as frowns. So he's in his high chair and has finished dinner, but Mama and Daddy haven't. I don't want to pacify him with more food; I want him to learn that mealtime is family time and we will stay at the table until we're all finished. So he is on his tummy but wants to be on his back. I know he can roll over but for some reason just won't. I don't think I should flip him when he is perfectly capable of doing so himself.

But that means I am graced with a veritable symphony of pitiful whines. I sing. I dance. I make his toys talk in funny voices. I dance more. I sing. I redirect to the point where I'm not sure where we were headed in the first place.

And then we start over again.

Now if you'll excuse me, the whines have taken on a rather more urgent tone and I need to get that baby to bed.

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