Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

1. Ice cream, lots of ice cream. If you are a facebook friend, you know this already. Look. I am running between 15-20 miles a week, I am doing yoga during naptime, I am keeping the house clean, I have a happy and well-fed (if perhaps not always sparkling clean) child. I am too tired to drink wine. So I have my big bowl every night after Reid goes to bed and watch....

2. Pregnant in Heels on Bravo. Good grief. This show, and the women on it, are hilarious. And Rosie Pope is a maternity concierge. If you can believe it, things worked out just great without the expertise of an incredibly high-priced maternity concierge. Rosie Pope is pretty funny though. And she's British and I'm an anglophile.

3. 90210. Did you know that the Walshes lived on Hillcrest Drive? Did you ever notice that Kelly's birthday is at the end of the school year during their senior year of high school, but later, in their junior year of college, it's at the beginning of the year? David had a crystal meth problem, Dylan was an alcoholic and a heroin addict, Kelly did coke, Brandon was a compulsive gambler, and Donna was addicted to painkillers. Yet they all drink. Cross-addiction, anyone? No? OK. These girls wore an awful lot of business suits in college. Thank you SoapNet for allowing me to ponder these issues.

4. Teen Mom. Well, it's over now, but...ohhhh Teen Mom. What a train wreck of a show. It's the anti-Pregnant in Heels. These girls make phenomenally bad choices on a weekly basis. I don't know why it entertains me so.

5. Friends. There is always room for a good Friends episode. And then, once my TV of choice is over for the evening, I go to

6. Bed at 9pm. "To read." I don't read. I go to sleep. And it is glorious.

It's 9:10 now, and that book's not going to read itself.

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