Tuesday, August 31, 2010


My 8-week-old is 3/4 ounces shy of being 15lbs. The pediatrician says he is exactly where a 3-3.5 month old should be. He is in the 97th percentile for weight and the 90th percentile for height.

He is 3/4 ounces shy of outgrowing his Pack N Play bassinet as well, which means that he will be sleeping in the actual bottom part of the Pack N Play...which means that it's a good thing this Mama found some weights on clearance at Target today. Strength training will pay off at 2am when I haul his sleep-heavy body out of bed for a feeding. Why is it that babies weigh so much more in the middle of the night?

As for the immunizations...I was beginning to wonder whether or not this child ever felt pain after I nipped him with the nail clippers on Saturday (bloodbath!) and poked him directly in the eye this morning and he didn't flinch at either incident. Not to worry: at first poke, he went a very healthy shade of puce, and I am here to tell you that the kid can cry. But the kid also has a sense of humor, so just moments after his shots when Mama and Daddy were struggling to re-dress him in the most difficult romper EVER, he was having a good giggle at our ineptitude.

So, the good news is that Reid is very healthy - both physically and developmentally - and very happy. And with a doctor's appointment like that, there IS no bad news!

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