Monday, August 16, 2010

Reid All About It!

This blog is just one more item on the "Things I Never Thought I'd Do When I Had Kids" list - a mass updating of family and friends on the adorable things my baby does. There is a part of me that still thinks, "you REALLY think all your family and friends want to read a blog about Reid's latest spit bubble?!" but the Mama part of my brain says, "who cares. If they don't want to read it, they won't."

So, here it is. A blog about Reid's latest spit bubble. It was about an hour ago. It was adorable.

In case anyone is wondering, here are the other things I thought I would never do when I had a baby:
1 - feed him/her formula. Now, this is not meant to start a formula vs. breastfeeding debate, I just never thought I'd do it. He got his first formula bottle at 1 day old (and his last at 5 days old)

2 - use drugs during delivery. Most of you know I was pretty dead-set against it. Then I had a contraction, a good laugh at myself, and a lovely epidural that I loved so much, I almost named.

3 - buy ANY apparel with writing on it, ie "Mommy's Little Prince!" or "Daddy's Little Darling!" Sigh. OK, I will still never buy anything that calls my kid a prince. I always think of that Sex & The City episode where they all attend the suburban baby shower, and the crazy mother says something like "my son is the best thing in the entire world and I tell him so every day," and Miranda says, "what are the chances of a woman ever making him happy?" You get the point. Of course this is neither here nor there because there will never be a girl good enough for Reid, and we all know that, and he will spend his adult life being brilliant but single and living close to his mother, but he doesn't need to go around with some sort of royalty complex. ANYWAY, I bought an outfit yesterday with cute little cars all over it that says "Dad's Speedster." It's stinking adorable. What! Put a Carter's label and a clearance tag on it and I will buy it. It's a fact. Unless it says "prince."

4 - use disposable diapers. I haven't broken this one. YET. And I probably won't now that Little Big Man's thigh chub fills out the leg holes, saving me from volumes of leaking pee. But sometimes I admit to dreaming about Pampers and Huggies and Diaper Genies. You can't deny the cloth ones are cute, and I have to say, our system of using wet baby washcloths as wipes is really efficient. I had to use 4 baby wipes to clean up my prolific pooper while out on the town yesterday. It's usually a one-washcloth job. But one day I am going to change a diaper and two minutes later I will hear that telltale rumble and will think of the laundry that my husband works so hard on because Lord help me, I only did those stinky things once, and I will think of how easy it would be to toss it and forget it.

5 - clog up the FB news feed with photos and baby-related status updates. Ahem. I believe you're all on FB.

6 - listen to Kiddie music. What's wrong with regular music? Music is music! Ahem. See my status updates of late.

I think that's about it for now. If you all can think of anything else I swore I'd never do but did, don't post it in the comments. I'm allowed to make fun of myself but you're not. That's a good ground rule to lay down right now.

That's all for now!

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